Message from the Superintendent!!!

All of the faculty and staff at Crutcho Public Schools take this opportunity to welcome our new
and returning students back to what we believe will be an exciting and productive school year.
As you may be aware our goal is to make learning a joyful and meaningful experience for our
students. At Crutcho, we will be emphasizing systematic learning processes that will achieve
academic growth for all students.

We encourage parents to be supportive of our instructional activities by encouraging your
students to be in attendance on a daily basis. One of our school goals is that students be in
attendance at least 94% of the time. This is a stretch goal, but it is attainable. Please help us
in achieving this goal. This goal, if achieved, will enhance our ability to reach our second goal
of moving all students toward a 300 Oklahoma Performance Index score on the state test.
Again, we are so pleased to have your students attend Crutcho Public Schools. We value
them and appreciate the opportunity to teach them a curriculum that will prepare them to reach
their potential and achieve productive futures.